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موبایل مجانی(بی کلک)(پنج شنبه 87 شهریور 7 ساعت 2:21 عصر )

nokia n95 8gb iphone

این کار کاملا قانونی است زیرا شما هیچ وجهی را نمی پردازید.

برای دریافت این هدایا از سایت کافیست ابتدا رایگان ثبت نام کنید و افراد را رایگان ثبت نام دهید تا بتوانید بهترین مدلهای جدید گوشی موبایل و آی پاد و پلی استیشن را دریافت کنید.
کاملا جدیده .زود ثبت نام کنید چون ما تازه و برای اولین بار این سایت رو داریم معرفی می کنیم .به همین دلیل اگر زود ثبت نام کنید خیلی زود اعتبار لازم برای بدست آوردن هدایا را بدست خواهید آورد .
کاملا درست و بی کلکه ******** یکی از دوستانم یه دونه N?? با 8 گیگ حافظه ازشون گرفته!

هر کسی که گوشی مجانی می خواد زود دست به کار شه !

گوشی رایگان ؟!

! هر کسی که گوشی مجانی می خواد زود دست به کار شه !
هر کسی که بدنبال گوشی مدل بالا و عالی مثل ( nokia n95) –( w960i ) و یا ( iphone ) میگرده میتونه با کمی حوصله یکی از این گوشیها یا مدلهای دیگرش رو برای خودش انتخاب کنه.
توضیحات : برای ثبت نام در سیستم نیاز به پرداخت پولی نیست فقط کافی است از طریق لینکی که در قسمت بعد می گذارم رفته و به آسانی و با صرف 5 دقیقه ثبت نام نمایید .
سایت از نظر امنیت و راحتی کار با آن مطمئن است و جای هیچگونه ناراحتی نیست پس هر چه زودتر عضو شده و برای خود زیر مجموعه بیابید.
هدیه ها : در قسمت هدیه ها بجز گوشی موبایل دستگاه گیم و mp4 هم قابل انتخاب شدن است .
طریقه ی ثبت نام در سایت : ابتدا از طریق لینک زیر وارد شده و یکی از گزینه های بالای سایت را که عبارتنداز :

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..:: جوایز برندگان ::..

لازم به ذکر است که اکثر افرادی که ابتدا در سایت ثبت نام کرده بودند باور نمی کردند که هدیه خود را دریافت خواهند کرد و بعضی از آنها فقط از روی کنجکاوی ثبت نام کرده اند و بعد از کسب اعتبار لازم هدیه خود را در دست گرفته اند.وبعضی هم گفته اند وقتی به دوستانمان این سایت را معرفی کردیم با تمسخر آنها مواجه شدیم اما حالا همه آنها به تکاپو افتاده اند و در سایت عضو شده اند.

میتونید بعد از وارد شدن به سایت بالای صفحه سمت راست روی Testimonials کلیک کنید لیست افرادی رو که هدیه شون به دستشون رسیده رو ببینید با عکس محصولات دریافت کرده


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-----( gaming | mobile | mp3)-----
را انتخاب نمایید شما بهتر است که گزینه ی موبایل را انتخاب کنید بعد وارد صفحه ی مربوط به گوشیها می شوید که در آنجا باید گزینه ی mobile phones ) latest( view the
را انتخاب نمایید وقتی که صفحه ی مربوطه بارگذاری شد انواع گوشیهای هدیه را مشاهده خواهید نمود با بردن موس روی گوشی مورد نظر مدل گوشی و تعداد زیر مجموعه های مورد نظر برای بدست آوردن گوشی نمایان می شود بعد از انتخاب گوشی مورد نظر نام و مدلش را به خاطر بسپارید حالا به اولین صفحه از سایت که وارد شدید برگردید به بالای صفحه رفته و بر روی گزینه ی ( ( Not Registered Yet? SIGN UP! کلیک نمایید و در صفحه ای که باز می شود و در قسمت
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اگر همه ی کادرها را به درستی پر کرده باشید صفحه ی بارگذاری شده پیغام تبریک را نمایان می کند ولی اگر درست انجام نداده باشید از شما در خواست می شود که دوباره مراحل را به درستی انجام دهید وقتی که با پیام موفقیت آمیز مواجه شدید نامه ای به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود که در آن لینکی برای فعال سازی اکانت شما گذاشته شده است به ایمیل خود رفته و بر روی لینک کلیک کنید تا صفحه ای جدید باز شود وقتی که صفحه بارگذاری شد در آنجا لینکی مانند زیر :



                                                             گذاشته شده است که شما باید با آن زیر مجموعه گیری برای خود را آغاز کنید . شماره ای را هم که در آخر لینک شما قرار دارد مانند بالا یادداشت کنید زیرا خیلی مهم است یادتان باشد که هر چه زودتر دست به کار شوید و لینک ثبت نام خود را برای دوستانتان بفرستید تا زیر مجموعه ی شما شوند با اضافه شدن هر نفر به زیرمجموعه ی شما 1 امتیاز خواهید گرفت و بعد از اینکه تعداد زیر مجموعه های شما به مقدار مورد نظر برای هدیه گرفتن گوشی رسید شما می توانید گوشی خود را سفارش دهید تا برسد .
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شما باید به تعداد زیر مجموعه های در خواستی برای هدیه توجه کنید و این را بدانید که این کار صد در صد عملی است خود من برایn95ثبت نام کرده ام و باید حدود 43 زیر مجمو عه پیدا کنم اما نگران نباشید زیرا شما با گذاشتن لینک خود و کمی آموزش به دیگران راحت بیشتر از 200 زیر مجموعه بیابید من خودم از یکی از دوستانم شنیده ام که کسی از دوستانش زیر مجموعه های خود را تا 123 نفر رسانده و سفارش هدیه ی خود را داده است که حدود دو تا سه هفته ی دیگر برایش می رسد .
کمک برای زیر مجموعه گیری : برای گرفتن زیر مجموعه از یک نفر هم دریغ نکنید شما می توانید در سایت :

آگهی رایگان را تایپ کنید و روی کلمه ی جستجو کلیک کنید وقتی که صفحه باز شد می توانید در لینکهای جستجو شده رفته و در انها ثبت نام کنید و به تبلیغ اگهی خود بپردازید و این را هم در نظر بگیرید که اگر این کار بکنید ممکن است در طول یک یا دو هفته تا 18 زیر مجموعه بیابید

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Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4(پنج شنبه 87 مرداد 31 ساعت 4:23 عصر )


With the new Gallardo LP560-4, Lamborghini once again sets a higher standard for super sports cars. With its new engine, permanent four-wheel drive transmission and new suspension, it delivers clearly improved performance and dynamics. In parallel, its innovative design takes the classic lines unique to the Lamborghini brand one step further. Powerful elegance has never been so defined before.

The Gallardo LP560-4 is the successor of the most successful Lamborghini model of all time. Approximately 7100 Gallardo models have left the Sant’Agata Bolognese production plant since its launch in 2003. “The LP560-4 will consolidate this success story,” states Stephan Winkelmann, President and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini. “It will outclass its predecessor in every aspect; its dynamics are distinctly breathtaking and its design sets new standards. With the introduction of the Gallardo LP560-4, we will consistently continue Lamborghini’s growth strategy”.

The powerful heart of the Gallardo LP560-4 is the new 5.2 litre V10 engine with an output of 560 PS (412 kW) at 8000 rpm. The increase of 40 PS compared with that of the previous Gallardo, and the approximate 20 kilogram reduction in weight, improves the power weight ratio to 2.5 kilograms per PS (hp) and thus enhances performance. The LP560-4 accelerates from 0-100 km/h in 3.7 seconds, its speed at 11.8 seconds is 200 km/h and its top speed lies at 325 km/h. At the same time the new, highly efficient engine enthrals its driver with its direct fuel injection system - “Iniezione Diretta Stratificata”. Despite its clearly increased power, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions have been reduced by a staggering 18 per cent.

The engineers in the Sant’Agata-based Technical Department have also improved traction, handling and stability at high speeds. The redesigned four-wheel drive transmission, the new suspension and the optimised aerodynamics as well as the reduced weight and decreased friction between the components, all contribute to the overall improvements in the vehicle. Thus the Gallardo LP560-4 presents itself as a cutting edge super sports car also suitable for the race-track. The car is also surprisingly suited to long-distance driving and despite its extreme performance capabilities is easy to control whilst maintaining utmost stability.

A Lamborghini is and always will be a highly efficient athlete. Its extreme sensuality is based upon precision, performance and on spontaneous action. A Lamborghini’s elegance is that of stark, purist strength. This DNA of the Lamborghini brand is being continuously developed by the Centro Stile in every new car. Thus the Gallardo LP560-4 displays the precise lines and clean surface edges in its distinctly minimalist design. Ornaments or embellishments of any form are alien to it.
Evolution of form systematically follows the demands of function: the newly designed front of the LP 560-4 squats deeply to the ground which contributes to its aerodynamic efficiency. The enlarged and clearly accentuated cooling intakes meet the demands of augmented engine power thus increasing the air circulation vital to a vehicle as powerful as this. The spoiler, positioned low between the air intakes, improves aerodynamic
equilibrium at high speeds...






CHP 11-99 Foundation and Lamborghini Calabasas Team Up for Anoth(سه شنبه 87 مرداد 29 ساعت 7:34 عصر )

Lamborghini Calabasas hosted another exotic car drive with the CHP 11-99 on October 7th, 2007 at its brand new location, off the 101 freeway at Parkway Calabasas exit. High-end exotic car owners participated, bringing their Lamborghini, Ferrari, and other super cars.

The day began with a breakfast hosted by Lamborghini Calabasas. A procession of exotics was already in place by 9:00am. 30 cars gathered for the Sunday drive to Malibu accompanied by CHP motorcycles. 

Event Photos


Cars, Stars Debut Dealership(سه شنبه 87 مرداد 29 ساعت 7:33 عصر )
Lamborghini Targets Valley

By Nadra Kareem
San Fernando Valley Business Journal Staff

Launch: Calabasas is now home of newest Lamborghini dealership.

Launch: Calabasas is now home of newest Lamborghini dealership.

To say that the Nov. 14 grand opening of Lamborghini Calabasas was festive would be an understatement.

Showgirls in yellow spray-paint and headdresses with the Lamborghini name scrawled across their legs evoked Brazil’s Carnaval celebration. Dancers gyrated on swing sets and a hefty mechanical bull, and attendees dined on raw fish served on nude women, a practice known as body sushi.

Turning out for the event, which doubled as a benefit for the Epilepsy Foundation, were a slew of celebrities—the Dixie Chicks’ Natalie Maines, beefcake Fabio and the cast of NBC’s hit television show “Heroes,” among them.

The “Heroes” cast, including Milo Ventimiglia, Kristen Bell and the ubiquitous Hayden Panettiere, arrived at the dealership, in the 23800 block of Ventura Boulevard, steering the luxury automobiles. But the person who ostensibly made the longest journey to attend the launch of Lamborghini in the Valley was Stephan Winkelmann, president and CEO of Italy-based Automobili Lamborghini.

Launch: Calabasas is now home of newest Lamborghini dealership.

Sweet: Location was chosen for prosperity of residents and choice freeway access.

Winklemann said that he decided to make the trip across the pond because, “being a small brand, I want to have a presence at every opening of a new dealership.” Moreover, North America is the brand’s largest global market, accounting for 40 percent of total Lamborghini sales worldwide.

Southern California is a key player in Lamborghini’s North American sales, accounting for 30 percent of business here. In fact, the automaker’s largest dealership is located in Orange County.

Now that the dealership has expanded to Calabasas, owner Vik Keuylian hopes to break new ground. “My goal is to grow the market here in Calabasas,” he said. “We’ve already proven ourselves in Orange County. We want to kind of duplicate what we have in Orange County.”

Keuylian, who has more than 25 years of Lamborghini sales experience, owns and runs Lamborghini Orange County with his three sisters.

While some duplication is necessary, Keuylian and Winkelmann also hope to identify an untapped market, luring Valley residents to the brand. “The customers in Calabasas are not the customers in Orange County,” Winkelmann said.

A year ago, according to Winkelmann, Lamborghini decided that Calabasas would be the site of the new dealership. But executives also considered launching a dealership in Agoura Hills or Westlake Village before ultimately choosing Calabasas as the location. “We did market studies for sure,” Winkelmann said.

Calabasas was an attractive option because of the number of people moving into the community and the prosperity of the residents, Winkelmann said. “Most of the luxury brands are already here,” he added. Calabasas is home to Mercedes-Benz, BMW and MINI dealerships.

Freeway exposure

Then, there was the fact that the site of the Calabasas dealership has freeway exposure, Winkelmann said. Positioned just off the Parkway Calabasas exit on Interstate 101, the dealership is in full view of passing cars. During the Nov. 14 grand opening, many passersby on the freeway saluted Lamborghini by honking their horns.

Thus far, business has been good, according to Keuylian. Fifteen Lamborghinis have already been sold, he said. There are a total of 80 Lamborghinis in the dealership now. “It’s a very thriving market,” Keuylian said.

Winkelmann wanted to capitalize on the initial success of the Calabasas dealership through their presence at the Los Angeles Auto Show, which ran at the Los Angeles Convention Center through Nov. 25.

While the launch of Lamborghini Calabasas was fun-hearted with the dealership being made into a playground of sorts, it also served to raise funds for a serious health condition—epilepsy. Representatives of the Epilepsy Foundation, a national charitable organization that functions to raise consciousness about and help the estimated three million Americans who suffer from the disease, attended the grand opening.

Donations to the foundation and its affiliates go toward research for new treatments and a cure for epilepsy as well as services for those who suffer from the disease. Complications of epilepsy cost the country $12.5 billion, according to the foundation

LAMBORGHINI CALABASAS DYNAMIC DRIVING EVENT - 03/09/2008(سه شنبه 87 مرداد 29 ساعت 6:4 عصر )

A Procession of Powerful Lamborghinis Roars Through Calabasas…The Canyons …and Malibu on Sunday Mornin …
Lamborghini Calabasas hosted an unforgettable dynamic driving event for its customers on Sunday, March 9, 2008. The two hour Bull Run which started in Calabasas then ran through the canyons, PCH and Malibu allowed Lamborghini Calabasas customers to enjoy driving on scenic roads that emphasized the power and beauty of their Lamborghinis. The dynamic drive route ended in Malibu were Lamborghini Calabasas customers and their guests enjoyed a power brunch. The seductive row of 25 Lamborghinis parked on PCH brought out the paparazzi and super car enthusiasts for an inevitable photo shoot of their own.

Driving Event Photos


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